Daily Archives: November 11, 2013

Day 1


Genesis 1:1 – 3:24 (NIV)

Scott Slocum – Lead Pastor

“In the Beginning” – The first three words of not only the book of Genesis, but the first three words of the entire Bible.

Here we are at the beginning.  The beginning of the bible, the beginning of our reading plan, and if you’re reading, this is the beginning of our daily “devotionals” written by over 80 different people serving and ministering in our church.  My hope isn’t that you begin (though it’s always the best place to start), but that you finish!  For the next twelve months, your life can be radically changed, all because of a few minutes each day, when you allow God’s word into your head, your heart and your life.

Most of us have never read through the Old Testament, as it looks long, daunting and has what some may see as heavy, or dark parts to it.  These twelve months will change all of that, if you take this journey with us!  I’m excited for this year and for reading the Old Testament alongside you!

Today’s Verse and Background:

So…“In the beginning”…the beginning of what?  Of creation, of the world, of all times?

Yes, to all of those, but most importantly, the beginning of a story!

The Bible, the New Testament, The Old Testament is a story.  Please don’t read any part of it as information, or simply a historical record, but read it as a story—a story with multiple chapters, plot lines, characters, intrigue, and twists and turns.  In fact, Genesis itself is a great example of the story being unfolded.  Genesis starts with the story of creation. Then it tells us the story of Adam and Eve’s family.  Then the story of Noah, then Abraham, then Isaac’s story of followed by the story of Jacob and ending with Joseph.  That’s how God started His book, telling about these people’s lives with a clear message to us!  He shows us what He has done in their lives so that He can show you how He can work in your life today!

As we begin this journey, be sure not to miss these two important truths;

  1. The first three words of Genesis are, “In the beginning”, but it’s the fourth word that is most important.  “In the beginning…God.”  That’s right, God!  This whole story, this entire book, this entire creation, all the evidence points to Him.  This story will give you an inconceivable view of our all-powerful, personal and Holy God!  To read this story is to know God better.

  1. This story is about you!  You and I are characters of this story.  God so desperately wants to show you what He can keep you from, save you from,  and how he can bless your life and fulfill it!  This is God’s story of His love and plan  for you!

Let me give you two practical assignments as we start.

First:  As you read through the Old Testament and read about different people, ask yourself the question:  “What do I see of myself in the lives of these characters?”  Be sure to include the good and the bad characters of our lives.

Second:  Take time today to remember your own story.  Your life before Jesus came into it, and your life lived with Christ–the story of the people who have played a part in where you are today and the people with whom you’ve played a part in writing their story.

Prayer:  Here I am reading the book of Genesis, a story thousands and thousands of years old, yet I was in your mind, and a part of this incredible story from the very beginning.  You are God, I am not, and I am overwhelmed by your great love for me.